Monday, October 24, 2011

Guest post

Exploring the Integration of Tech-tools or ICT in Learning
The blend of technology in teaching and learning process has initiated a change in the practice and progression of education. With education transpiring in the digital world, learning in 21st century has become more flexible and accessible. From traditional classroom learning to distance learning, the integration of technology is found in all approaches to education. In most cases, educationists of today are relying upon the newly evolved from of blended learning that initiates a wonderful mix of technology in learning. This blend not only ensures better and motivated learning but also helps in highlighting the needs and interest of students in learning styles.
Information and communications technology in classroom has been the major catalyst in leveraging the way people learn in this new age of evolution and innovation. Integrating classroom technologies in learning instigating better communication and information exchange can be of a major benefit in effectual classroom management techniques. Several statistical reports on this line have stated that if learning is relevant and interesting, behavioral issues automatically lessen. This particular concept has indeed initiated the implementation of technology in classroom learning. Several UK high schools, colleges, and universities have embraced the evolution of blended learning making study in UK far more interesting.
The influence of information and communications technology in classroom has also helped in the evolution of distance learning in such a wider scale. The integration of technology in education has paved way for swift information exchange and communication. Furthermore, the integration has also helped in replicating the entire classroom-learning feel over the virtual presence without any physical setting. You can sit in one corner of the world and enjoy an interaction with your instructor sitting in another corner of the world independent of time and distance constraints. The implementation of technology in learning has effectively opened the study in UK door without any restraints.
This implementation in the online world of learning is best experienced through the advancement of integration of E-learning in education. For further references onto the subject, you can browse through the Wikipedia page on E-learning.
Information and communications technology in classroom calls for better interaction and communication among students, teachers, and parents. This implementation in classroom learning allows the students to blend their theoretical knowledge with practical experience. From updating the wiki with a research article, recording narratives as podcasts, creating blogs, or participating in a conference talk, technology works towards the goal of fuller development along with personal enrichment. Any information that is delivered to students with the help of technology holds maximum chance of being more engaging and effective. Classroom learning relying upon power point presentation offers the student a visualized learning approach.
Tech-blend learning if delivered effectively by a proper instructor knowing the terms well is sure to offer the students with a platform to publish their own thoughts in text, video , and multi-media format enabling a better learning experience. Information and communication technology in classroom learning lays a different and immediate approach to learning that comes with a feedback forum. This integration helps the students in developing creative thinking ability.  However, it is to be remembered that information and communications technology in learning though a potential tool in learning serves a purpose than being an end.
AUTHOR BIO - Robert Williams driven by his passion of writing and interest in education loves to write on various educational topics and new-age technologies and innovations affecting the course of studies. Here, he focuses upon information and communications technology in classroom and the study in UK approach.

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